Brother Joseph





有很多校友出席了张校长的丧礼, 也有一些校友没能出席,但他们都来向我表达, 有意捐款给张世典修士教育基金, 以表他们对校长的感恩之情。

公教校友会秉着“饮水思源”的精神,于1996年,成立了“张世典修士基金”。基于张校长对学校、教师、学生和校友的关爱,基金筹到的善款, 用于以下4个领域:赞助现职和退休教师的福利, 给在籍学生的张世典奖学金,以及拓展和校友的联系。






Dear Fellow Catholic High Old Boys & Well-Wishers

Our beloved former Principal Brother Joseph Dufresse Chang She Dien, FMS (敬爱的老校长 张世典修士) passed away earlier this July. Brother Joseph was our alma mater’s longest-serving Principal: he served as a teacher from 1952 to 1960, before helming the school for 14 years from 1960 to 1974. Under his leadership, the school grew greatly, blazing the way in educational experiences and facilities, unwavering in the mission of character building. Brother Joseph is remembered by former students fondly.

As one alumnus shared:

Brother Joseph left a deep impression on all his students. We remember him fondly, and kept in touch long after we graduated. He was strict with us, but compassionate and nurturing, and cared for us all deeply. His ambition for his students was that we would be well-rounded, and develop good character and values through our studies and co-curricular activities. He was not just our principal, but also our mentor and friend. Educators like Brother Joseph played a vital role in moulding us to be the people we are today.

At Brother Joseph’s wake, many old boys came to pay their respect, some approached me and asked if they can contribute to Brother Joseph Education Fund, a way to show their appreciation and to continue Brother Joseph legacy.

Brother Joseph Education Fund was started in 1996 to provide scholarships for our students and for current and retired teachers’ welfare.

Brother Joseph laid a strong foundation for our school and students, and many went on to contribute and serve our nation and society at large in various fields. On this occasion, we would like to pay tribute to him and the Catholic High education that he helped define.

Catholic High Alumni would like to call on all old boys, and well-wishers, to contribute generously to the Brother Joseph Education Fund.


We sincerely appeal to your generosity. Every thought and contribution goes a long way towards providing heartfelt meaningful support for our former teachers, fellow alumni, juniors and our alma mater at large. Donation details as enclosed.

点滴心意, 众志成城!

亲爱忠诚敬业乐群 #mybloodisgreen #饮水思源感情故乡

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Wong Peng Yeong
President, Catholic High Alumni

Catholic High Alumni
Brother Joseph Fund Donation Details

Please use one of the following modes to transfer your donation.

• PayNow QR Code
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• PayNow (UEN)
UEN Number: S69SS0002D

• Bank Transfer (Please screenshot the receipt)
UOB Current Account A/C No.: 302-308-486-2,
Bank Code: 7375, Branch Code: 046

• Cheque: payable to “Catholic High Alumni ” and mail it to :
Catholic High School, 9 Bishan Street 22, Singapore 579767

After making payment, please notify us via
For any enquiry, please call Ms Doris Tan at 6459-5801 or 9461-4581 (Whatsapp)

Thank you for your donations.