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Networking Session on 12 Aug 2022
Dear brothers, The CHA is organising a networking session on 12 Aug 2022. It comprises a panel discussion with distinguished alumni and a networking dinner. Mr Kenneth Tang, CEO, DBS Vickers Securities, will share on "Singapore Economy: 2H 2022 and Beyond", while Mr...

53rd Exco Committee
Presenting our 53rd Exco Committee:Catholic High Alumni 53rd Exco President:黄秉扬 Wong Peng Yeong 1st V. President:梁桅豪 Richard Leong Wai Hoe 2nd V. President:冯国威 Fong Kok Wai Hon. Secretary:林祐安 Lim Yeow Ann Asst. Hon. Secretary:王道扬 Edwin Heng Tow Yang Treasurer:陈沛国 Tan...

Primary 1 Registration for 2023
Dear old boys, MOE just announced the opening of P1 Registration for the 2023 cohort yesterday. Do take note in the change of policy by the Ministry of Education (MOE). Phases 2A(1) and 2A(2) are now combined into a single Phase 2A. This means that Alumni members...

CHS 87th Founder’s Day and CHA 53rd Anniversary Dinner
公教中学八十七周年校庆暨公教校友会五十三周年会庆双庆晚宴 CHS 87th Founder's Day and CHA 53rd Anniversary Dinner 校友学长学弟们,青山依旧,绿水长流。阔别两年,我们今年终于盼回了一年一度的校庆会庆双庆晚宴! 十月十三日,我们重聚一堂,谈唱风彩 Calling out to all old boys - our annual Founder's Day and CHA Anniversary Dinner is finally back! Make a date with...

Dear brothers, Morning@CH is back this Saturday, 7 May 2022! Breakfast is served and we welcome all old boys to come back to Catholic High School Primary Section canteen from 9-11.30am to lim kopi and catch up. It has been a long two years. We’ll be cautiously...

Brother Joseph Education Fund
张世典修士教育基金筹款公函APPEAL TO DONORS FOR THE BROTHER JOSEPH EDUCATION FUND (张世典修士教育基金) 亲爱的各位赞助者和校友们,...